Executive Committee
Stan Ingman, Pre
sident of Board, Denton, Texas
Starting in 1963, as a volunteer with degrees in botany and rural sociology, Ingman worked in rural Algeria with returning refugees to plant trees, dig terraces and build small dams to conserve eco-systems and put people back to work after the civil war. He returned to the US to enroll a doctoral degree at University of Pittsburgh in medical sociology where he was located in a public health planning department. His dissertation focused on the role of the United Mine Workers to bring health care to miners who did not have access to quality health care services. At UCONN in Hartford he studied detox programs for alcoholics, heroin users and adolescents at Hartford Hospital. In addition, at the Hebrew Home he focused on how to reduce drug prescribing for elders. From 1977 to 90, he was in Family and Community Medicine at UMC. He focused on programs and clinics to improve rural care in Missouri. He moved to Denton, Texas in 1990 where he promoted childhood immunization, afterschool education, and the creation of healthy neighborhoods with a full range of social, medical and educational services. This work finally led to creating sustainable solutions for villages in Mexico and later in Costa Rica. Finally, he helped create the Future Without Poverty, Inc. in 2006 to stimulate sustainable poverty reduction programs around the world. Many of his academic papers and volumes are connected to sustainable community building.
Tom Benjamin, Executive Committee and Secretary/Treasurer
Thomas Benjamin has worked for and consulted with non-profit organizations and government agencies around the world for the past 30 years. He was the first Certified Fund Raising Executive recognized by the National Society of Fund Raising Executives in 1982 and has raised over $50,000,000 for small non-profit organizations. He has designed, built and managed economically based sustainable development projects in some of the poorest countries in the world. He has a degree in International Resource Management and Environmental Education. He has created programs that have received awards from the United Nations, World Conservation Fund, US Presidents and The Kennedy School for Government Studies at Harvard University.
Kendall Brune, Executive Committee, St. Louis, Missouri
Kendall Ray Brune has the following degree and certification: PhD, MBA, LNHA, FACHCA. While working for Dr. Stan Ingman at the Center for Aging Studies, at the University of Missouri-Columbia I served as a Research Associate on a grant centered on “Culture Change, replicating a program called the “Eden Alternative”. Dr. Ingman, the Center and the Project Life Board had received funds from Lieutenant Governor Rodger Wilson to support the Eden Alternative work, resulting in a book publication (The Eden Alternative).
My role as a licensed healthcare administrator was to develop a new senior care campus, called Ashland Healthcare. This facility had a contract with the state of Missouri, and Department Mental Health. Ashland Healthcare in Ashland, Missouri was charged to care for individuals with chronic and long-term mental healthcare diagnosis. The Eden alternative program created a very bio diverse living environment, including growing our own plants, raising our own animals, and finally having intergenerational Child Care Center within the campus community. Eden Alternative has been extremely successful and engaged and over 3,000 communities. I was part of the research team that developed the certification process of healthcare persons working within the Post-Acute Care industry. Having family ties to Indian Country, this last model of care, integrating the entire community. (http://www.edenalt.org/)
In 2009, Dr. Ingman challenged me to create a National Training chapter in the Retirement Housing Industry centered on culture change, and naturopathic ways of care. I wrote a chapter for the National Retired Housing Certification Program, based out of the Leading Age Organization. (https://www.leadingage.org/) This program started a basis of my research on a second doctorate in Native ways of Aging. Under this work I have worked with the Tohono O’odham Nation, the Chickasaw Nation, and now with the Spokane tribe of Indians.
In 2016, I was part of incubating a veteran’s organization called Arise Veterans Foundation. (http://ariseveteranfoundation.org/) We have a contract with Southwest Airlines to repurpose their leather from receipts of the airplane. The Native American tribes particularly loved this program, as leather was a natural craft material that they used and there are some projects. The elders that were in there 17 nationally-known facilities, have all gravitated to participate in this program. To date, Arise has served over 40,000 Veterans in Recovery and Rehabilitation.
In 2018, Indian Health Services contracted to assess and evaluate the Mental and Behavioral Health programs offered throughout Indian Country. Indian Health Services also extended this grant to include proposing “Best Practice Models” delivered in the United States but are not affiliated with Indian Health Services.
My personal and professional caring, healthcare administrator model of care has built a strong relationship with the Senior Administrative Directors of Indian Health Services. I have worked or networked with 38 tribes. The inter-connectiveness or affiliations of these Tribes create a network of 131 Nations, located throughout the United States.
Sylvester Alonzo Flores, Jr. , Executive Committee, Lexington, Kentucky
Syl Alonzo Flores is the son of two migrant workers who taught him the importance of education, hard work, and family. He is an accomplished entrepreneur and businessman with an emphasis on leadership development. With over a decade in marketing and business management, he has served the roles as a Costco Wholesale Marketing Manager and Mid-West trainer, former VISTA AmeriCorps Lead, entrepreneur, and community developer. Some accolades in his field include holding the record for third largest US Costco opening, assisting in eight different Costco openings as a marketing manager, creating global sustainable communities, and a recipient of the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
Graduating with a degree in Organizational Leadership from Northern Kentucky University, he is a firm believer in eclectic leadership with a gravitation towards servant leadership. He prides himself on coaching and mentoring others and finds that his most successful moments are those of watching his pupils grow and develop. Through the power of positive thought, team building, and a commitment to excellence—no object is too large to overcome. In his free time, Syl loves to go on adventures with his daughter Syleena, his wife Kat, and their two puppies Luna and Sol. Additionally, he enjoys being an audiophile who believes music is one of the best forms of communication and a passionate follower of the works of Paulo Freire, Plato, and Aristotle.
Iftekhar Amin, Murphy, Texas
Iftekhar Amin, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Human Services, is a social gerontologist with expertise in inter-disciplinary research on aging, sustainablecommunity building, and developing countries. Dr. Amin believes that the global aging is a new demographic reality, and that we need rigorous research to better understand the broad social changes to close gaps in our knowledge and develop evidence-based programs and policies for older adults. Some recurrent themes in his research are: sexuality in later life, transnational caregiving, & retirement migration. His current projects include: examining transportation needs of Medicaid recipients (funded by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, $39,997), and evaluation of a mental health promotion program at UNTD (funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, $303,000). His work has appeared in peer reviewed journals including Journal of Applied Gerontology, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, Educational Gerontology, Journal of Family Violence, Men and Masculinity, Journal of Family History, and Journal of Aging in Emerging Economies. He is the elected Chair of Age Well Live Well (AWLW), a coalition led by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services. Prior to joining UNTD, he served as Assistant Professor at University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM, 2008-10), was recipient of the Endowed Professorship of Gerontology, and was appointed as a member of Louisiana Governor’s Encore Commission. Courses that Dr. Amin teaches include Social Gerontology, Long- term Care Case Management for Elderly, Sociology of Mass Communication, Minority aging, Perspectives of Aging, Public Policy, and Images of Aging in Films.
Sylvester Flores, Board Member and Former President of Board and Founder of FWOP
Founder and President of Future Without Poverty (FWOP). President LAM International, Former Director, Latino and Multicultural Center for Community Development Northern Kentucky University and The Center for US/Mexico Alliances for Community Renewal University of North Texas, A distinguished professor that has received the School of Community Service Hiram Friedsam Distinguished Faculty Award, University of North Texas Honor Professor, Outstanding University of North Texas Alumni, University of North Texas Professor of Color , University of North Texas Hispanics in Higher Education Professor of the Year. As president of FWOP he has personally organized an international network that has helped thousands of people reduce the impact of poverty in their lives.
Andres Pacheco, Fort Worth, Texas
Andrés is the Executive Director of Opening Doors International Services (ODIS), a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization located in Denton, Texas. ODIS provides humanitarian services and low-cost immigration legal assistance, mainly for family petitions and DACA applications and renewals. Since its creation in 2003, ODIS has been recognized by the US Department of Justice to represent clients before the US Citizenship and Immigration Services branch of the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Immigration Court.
Mr. Pacheco is a native of Venezuela, and also has Chilean and US citizenships. Andrés graduated from New York University in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Sociology, and has lived for the past 35 years in Boston, Tampa, Mexico City and North Texas. Before joining ODIS, he spent over 30 years in the Information Technology industry, and has been involved with advocacy for migrants and asylum seekers for many years in the Dallas area.
Ana M. Fores Tamayo
Being an academic not paid enough for her trouble, Ana M. Fores Tamayo advocates for marginalized refugee families from Mexico and Central America. Working with asylum seekers is heart wrenching, yet satisfying, she states. It is also quite humbling.
Her labor has eased her own sense of displacement, being a child refugee, always trying to find home. In parallel, poetry is her escape; she has now published in Acentos Review, The Raving Press, Laurel Review, and many others. Her poetry in translation and photography have been featured at home and abroad as well, much of it dealing with the immigrant experience.
Writing is a catharsis from the cruelty yet ecstasy of her work, she claims. Through it, she can keep on fighting windmills.
Arthur Lee, Nashville, Tennessee
Taught to be outreach oriented to those in need from my faith upbringing. Chose medicine because of this orientation. Graduated from Fisk University with BA in biology. Insights into ecological issues by participating in a special project that assessed water quality in treams. Matriculated to Meharry Medical College completed medical school and family medicine residency there. Assistant professor in the Meharry Medical College Division of Family Medicine of the Department of Occupational and Community Health. Exposed to the world of public health while in my residency because of a special program that taught us how to include public health principles in family medicine practice. Open up the world of insight into the possibility of incorporating behavioral health into family medicine and how the expressive arts could be a part of healing. While working as an assistant professor at Meharry, I was encouraged to accept a position in the Tennessee State Corrections Dept. by one of my professors. Spent about two years and was expecting a career in correctional medicine until that professor informed me of a position in St. Louis to be a medical director at an urban health center. Accepted the position and worked until a reorganization of the administration occurred under changes in the political environment of the center the entire executive team was replaced. Provided insights into the importance of policy in health care delivery. After this experience, I was one of the staff in a community hospital emergency room, joined the primary care team at one of St. Louis’s city health clinics. Small private practice that included house call services with partnerships with several home health agencies. Volunteered in the HIV/AIDS program and a hypertension research in the St. Louis Health Dept .Toward the end of my active practice I worked with chiropractors in incorporating nutritional approaches into medical care and as a health officer for the juvenile justice system of St. Louis City. Upon retiring, I work with my neighborhood association, am a board member of Aphesis House an organization that provides supportive housing for ex-offenders, volunteer teaching of the patients at Elam Mental Health Center were I serve as co-chair of the advisory board. I also serve as the community outreach and education director of Knowles Assisted Living Center in Nashville, TN. I’m a member of Nashville Health Disparities Coalition whose name speaks for itself. Currently advocating for a center of excellence on aging with collaboration of local academic centers and Knowles Assisted Living.
Greg Ousley, Director Of Development, Fulton, Missouri
Greg has a passion for “Making a Difference” & building organizational and corporate value through establishment of long-term relationships, his ability to develop & execute on strategic plans, as well as, effectively building & managing teams which has led to his success as an entrepreneur, corporate team member and organizational leader. As someone who has been exposed to many diverse opportunities at every level of the career spectrum, as well as, started and sold many companies, Greg is a team builder, who is known for assembling world class talent and like minded individuals who are committed to excellence, professionalism, and delivering results through strategic partnering, consensus building, effective communication and proven leadership.
Greg bring’s experience in executive leadership, management, operations, sales, marketing, business development, investment, risks analysis, and consulting and has a proven track record for setting and achieving high goals. His personal drive for excellence, willingness to listen and understand, and ability to communicate effectively are hallmarks of his capacity to achieve success at any level. In the last ten years, he has founded four financial service and technology companies which were acquired by a five billion dollar private equity group. Following the acquisition, he remained a senior executive with the private equity group and consulted for an additional four years in growing their service offerings, ensuring operational efficiencies were maintained and managed corporate strategy. Greg is the proud father of Grace and Spencer. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his family and children, traveling, playing golf and donating his time where he can make a difference
Eliecer Vargas, Costa Rica
Dr. Eliécer Vargas is a Professor/Researcher in Sustainable Development at an international university, the Center for Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education, CATIE, in Costa Rica. Currently in charge of the Master of Science in International Sustainable Tourism (MIST) and the Cooperative Study Abroad Program (CSAP). Dr. Vargas is committed to introducing critical thinking supported with applied research to industries with great potential to shape the path of development for emerging countries.
Concerned by the environmental and social changes around him, Dr. Vargas recognized the need to contribute to sustainable development. His studies in agricultural economics began in his home country of Costa Rica and continued at Oklahoma State University, where he obtained his PhD in 1999. Since his arrival at CATIE 15 years ago, a passion for sustainable development has motivated his contributions to science and rural development.
His career has taken him around the world, from Morocco to China, and all-across Latin America. These experiences have given him a profound understanding of global issues, as well as, a first-hand look at local social, environmental, and cultural issues. He is considered by many as a specialist in eco-enterprises and sustainable tourism development, however, he prefers to be identified as a professional in sustainable development.
He serves on the Board of Directors of the Costa Rican Chamber of Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism (CANAECO), and participates as a member of the Special Council in Sustainable Development for the Costa Rican Federation of Chambers and Associations of the Private Business Sector. When not working, Dr. Vargas can be found in Turrialba, Costa Rica where he lives with his wife and two children.
Lillie Christine Hoots, Maysville, Kentucky
I was born and raised in Maysville, KY. I am a news reporter for The Ledger Independent and a guest services representative for the Kentucky Gateway Museum Center in Maysville, KY. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in History from Lindsey Wilson College and currently serve as the Communications Chair for the Maysville Young Professionals and the Social Media Director for the Bracken County Chamber of Commerce. I’ve served as a volunteer for many projects/organizations including rebuilding houses in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, town cleanups, fundraisers, a court designated worker’s office, Humane Society, Seddon UMC, Lewis County Chamber of Commerce, and others. I live in Maysville with my husband, Jordan.
Wilkister Nyaora Moturi, Nakura, Kenya
Wilkister N. Moturi is an Associate Professor of Environmental Health at Egerton University, Department of Environmental Science, Kenya. She holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science. In addition, she has professional training in Epidemiology and Water Resources Development from University of California, Davis. Her research interests are in the areas of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; maternal and child environmental health; food safety and disaster risk reduction. She has been a collaborator with the Family Planning and Environmental Sustainability Assessment (FPESA), a project of the Worldwatch Institute (USA) and the Kenyan coordinator of myClimate, a Swiss NGO dealing with climate protection partnership initiatives. She has won several awards and fellowships. Currently, she is a Global Burden of Disease (GBD) collaborator; an external reviewer of the Swedish Research Council; an external examiner for postgraduate thesis for Tshwane University, University of South Africa and University of Johannesburg, South Africa among others. She has conducted research and supervised many students in her field of specialization and published widely. She is a mentor with the AWARD (African Women in Agricultural Research and Development) programme, a member of the Environment Institute of Kenya (EIK), Trustee of Egerton University Pensions scheme and patron of Egerton University Environmental Association (EUEA). She is married and is a mother of two sons.
Kenneth Stewart, Nashville, Tennessee
Ken Stewart is a native of New York. Educated in the public school system, he says had no choice but to graduate owing to parents that were serious about his education. At the end of high school he was drafted into the US Army and served one tour in Vietnam.
Peacetime employment led him to IBM and Kodak; he became a copier repair technician. Eventually he settled in Nashville, TN where the company became Danka. Again he made friends and quickly began to pursue some adventure to balance his work life. The adventure in scuba was to be enjoyed with his close friends. Eventually he came on the idea of forming an organization of African American divers that would meet, travel and support a youth program to expose those that were least likely to have these kinds of experiences. He commented one day, “If I knew back then that you could make a living doing this, my life would have been totally different today.”
This drive led to the co-founding of the Tennessee Aquatic Project and Development Group, Inc. (TAP) with the assistance of Willie Sweet. Since 1994, TAP has influenced the lives of some 200 young people. Of those that were in the program for more than one year and became certified Open Water Scuba Divers, all have attended college.
Ken serves as Program Director, scheduler, mentor and spokesperson for Diving With A Purpose and Youth Diving With A Purpose. He is responsible for planting the seeds for the National Association of Black Scuba Divers, Youth Educational Summit (NABS YES),
Accomplishments: Since 2005, over 300 people have participated in the program, resulting in the training of over 125 maritime archaeology advocates, including 50 youths. Documented 16 shipwrecks including 18th & 19th century sailing vessels, WWII aircraft, accumulated over 15,000 volunteer hours in Biscayne National Park and National Marine Sanctuaries and conducted four Guerrero Slave Ship expeditions. He takes pride In America National Award by the United States Department of Interior, Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) Specialty Course – “Archaeology Survey Diver”, Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) Specialty Instructor Course –“Specialty Instructor – Archaeology Survey Diver”, Featured in the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) Documentary Series “Changing Seas”, Episode “Sunken Stories.” He established Youth DWP Maritime Archaeology Program, Coral Restoration Program, and NABS Foundation Science Divers (American Academy of Underwater Sciences Certified). He received “ Preserve America Steward Designation” by First Lady Michelle Obama and the Chairman Award for Achievement in Historic Preservation from The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
Larry Cox, Newark, Ohio
Has over 45-years of experience in the business community. He has been involved with fiber reinforced polymer composites since his graduation from Ohio Northern University. His experience has covered the major manufacturing technologies of the industry. He has extensive experience in developing and implementing marketing and sales plans and has overseen research and development projects for advanced composites. He has taught courses in business management, process technologies, quality development and basic composites at the community college level.
Mr. Cox is a past president of the Lakewood Board of Education, serving on that Board for eight years. He served as Director of Education for the American Composites Manufacturers Association, a trade association for the composites industry, from 2004 until 2010 .
In addition to teaching he has developed composites curriculum and training manuals that are being used throughout the industry. He has been involved in workforce grants directed to training displaced and disadvantaged workers. Larry is now the principal of Structurlite Composites Consultants. Some of his most recent projects include developing sustainable manufacturing processes, exploring the feasibilities of recyclying and the development of “green composites”. He has been responsible for the development and maintenance of American National Standards, and he currently is serving on the American National Standard Institute’s International Conformity Assessment Committee.
Isidor Wallimann, Basel, Switzerland
Dr. Wallimann holds an MA in economics and agriculture from Kansas State and a Ph.D. in Sociology from Syracuse University. He recently retired from his positions at the University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland and from the University of Freiburg in Switzerland. He has published numerous books in English and German, such as GENOCIDE AND THE MODERN AGE (translated into Korean) and ON THE EDGE OF SCARCITY (translated into German). As a visiting professor, he has been invited to universities in the United States, China, and Taiwan. He has lectured world wide and served the Swiss National Science Foundation as an expert for social policy research programs. Dr. Wallimann is president of the Social Economy Association and Network Cooperative Basel, Switzerland. The Social Economy Basel is committed to local, social and ecological sustainability in the region of Basel where it also manages an alternative currency. More info under www.viavia.ch/netzbon
Theresa Abah, Abuja, Nigeria
Theresa Abahisa Graduate student in the Health Services Research major, at the University of North Texas. She holds a Master of Science degree in HealthManagement and a bachelorscience degree in Engineeringfrom Nigeria. She spent everal years working in the public health sector in Nigeria in Maternal and child Health Care; Water Sanitation and Hygiene; Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization and Logistics and Supply Chain Management departments. Her wealth of experience working with rural, urban and semi-urban communities on needs assessment, health promotion and education,vaccine security,disease surveillance, health systems strengthening, etc. culminated in her research interests. She co-investigated a health improvement program for seniors, a pilot study to increase participation of seniors in physical activity, other research areas have been on evaluating Nigeria health policy reforms on aging and the systematic review of health policy in sub-Saharan Africa among others. Her research is centered on policy development, health systems strengthening, health care access, and community health care mapping. She is a member of the GIS (Geographic Information science) Health Research group, the Interdisciplinary Research group and the Health Services Research Group at the University of North Texas. Her career goal is to become a change agent in the public health field through her dedication to work, leadership skills, inter-personal skills and communication skills. She is a great learner and has deployed herself in learning soft skills including GIS, networking, problem solving, team building and organizational ethics among others. She is a mother of four and happily married.
Erich Bourgault, Tribal Representative USA and Canada.
Raanan Katriz, Israel
Agronomist, M. Sc. Agr., graduate from The Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University Jerusalem. Forty years of working experience with the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture in thefields of agricultural extension, plant protection, national coordinator of agricultural research and extension, head of national plant quarantine office and director of international projects in developing countries within the framework of the Israeli Agency for International Cooperation (MASHAV). For many years he assist FWOP in Mexico in expand capacity in the States of Jalisco, Colima and Zacatecas .
Conducting post studies in France, South Africa and the US. Participated on tenths of international conferences. Published tenths of articles concerning my professional work.
Fully workable management of English, Spanish, French and Hebrew as mother language. Conducted tenths of lecturing and consulting missions in the developing countries as South America, Africa, Central Europe, China, India and Oceania.
In the last twenty five years specialized on Sustainable Agriculture, focusing on sustainable management of natural resources as soil, water, crops, animal husbandry, climate and human resource for the aim of agricultural production and food security. The basic approach is a holistic integrated management to conserve the natural resources for their future ability to generate food and avoid agro ecological disturbances.
My activity covers open field and protected agriculture (greenhouses), urban and peri urban agriculture. I am a member of the Israeli Association of Engineers, the Israeli Societies of Entomology and Phytopathology and International Society of Development (SID). General Secretary of a NGO called OISCA-Israel connected to a mother NGO in Japan, dealing with environmental education, reforestation and international developing activities. At present, director of Sustainable Agriculture Consulting Group (SACOG), engaged in lecturing, consulting and participation on conferences in Israel and other industrial and developing countries Most recently he has been taking many trips to assist in all regions of China.
Wansoo Im, Nashville, Tennessee And South Korea
Wansoo Im, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Family & Community Medicine at Meharry Medical College and Director of the National Community Mapping Institute within the Health Disparities Research Center of Excellence (HDRCOE) at Meharry. He specializes in developing decision support systems using a public participatory approach to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). He has pioneered the use of interactive, web/mobile-based GIS to support community-based participation and research on a wide range of social and environmental issues. Dr. Im previously served as co-director of the Environmental Health Core of the HDRCOE at Meharry. He joined the faculty at Meharry Medical College on a full time in 2016 to lead the National Community Mapping Institute and curate public health exposer data with complete metadata.
Dr. Im earned his PhD in Urban Planning from Rutgers University in 2001, a Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1990, and his BS in Urban Planning in 1988. He has an in-depth knowledge about building support systems for transportation decision-making, and modeling watershed resources. Dr. Im is most proud of his web portal, http://www.imrivers.org, which is currently being used by multiple environmental organizations across the United States. His community participatory mapping project of operating gas stations in the wake of Hurricane Sandy got media attention including NBC-NYC, Huffington Post, and other federal governmental agencies in 2012. His work on community participatory internet mapping was featured in The New Yorker magazine in 2006 (http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2006/03/27/060327ta_talk_seabrook) and The New York Times in 2008.
David Michael Veltman, Brownsville , Texas
As a child in a large poor Methodist family in Western Michigan, I am sleeping in an unheated upstairs. Life lesson #1, if you are going to accomplish anything in this life, it will be on my own. I attended numerous college programs in Business Management and Computer Science at Central Michigan University, Franklin University, and Cedar Valley College. I started my main it will career in management then District Manager of five doughnut and gas stations called Dawn Doughnuts. Purchased our town’s only Bakery and Restaurant. Then I pursued other management positions with Central Tractor Farm & Family Centers, and King Pizza. I co-owned a restaurant chain called Al,s Dogs and Spuds. I went on to Real Estate and started my own company Extraordinary Lighting Technology LLC in 2007, which I still maintained today and have added flipping of distressed homes for the past three years.
I have been a donor to Doctors Without Borders for the past ten years, and I helped a few projects in Zapata, Mexico and Mazamitla and Ripley, Ohio with Future Without Poverty. My main contribution has been with South Texas Baptist Disaster Relief. I have traveled to Joplin, Missouri, Corpus Christi, Tx, Panama City, Florida and currently in El Paso Texas feeding hunger survivors and immigrants that trying to rebuild their homes, towns and their personal lives.
I believe in Future Without Poverty, and I am proud of my long time are friend Syl Flores, who I always have admired his passion for helping others. I am blessed to be called his friend. We have a shared belief that no matter what your denomination of religion, race, or your ethnicity, you belong you are a human being that deserves equal respect and a chance to better yourself and your family. I believe in helping each other not necessarily always giving money but by giving of yourself. I do appreciate struggle thru life trying to keep our own families; it’s hard to find the time to help others. Moreover, that’s why we should avoid judging others. I also believe when people see you contributing it spreads quickly, and other people strive to be a part of a lending hand community or organization.
John March, Lawton , Oklahoma
Skilled in recruiting members and opportunities for Future Without Poverty. Focus on research, nonprofit organizations, pastoral leadership, community outreach, and public speaking. Strong community and social services professional with a continuing higher education focused in gerontology. Graduate from University of North Texas with a masters in applied gerontology. Living in Lawton, Oklahoma. Active in promoting FWOP solar project and FWOP/UNT air monitoring project.